Getting work done in my "new office" - the flats. After many months away from this route, I feel like I live here now. |
- Day 4: December 27
- Target - 60km
- Achieved: 102km
- Method: Laps on Tempus Fugit on a custom 4hr Structured Workout ("The Grind").
- After expending more energy than I expected, I really wanted a rest day. But, if I waive off now, it means I likely won't finish the Festive500. Math and ability are both against me.
- "The Grind" gave me 4hrs of structured resistance all safely within the Blue. I wouldn't be fast, but I would be riding. I set the workout to give me a different resistance every 60 seconds - so every minute I had a new arch to chase.
- I was stiff and sore at the start, but by the 20 minute mark I was doing ok. Tired, sure, but ok.
- I paused the workout and got off the bike at the 60 minute mark. Re-apply Butt'r, and stretch.
- At 1:20, I had a pretty sharp cramp in my left calf and behind my knee. I'd never had anything quite like it. I thought maybe I could ride through it, but at 1:25 I couldn't keep going. I got off the bike and stretched. I had accrued less than 45 km and truly thought my Festive 500 was done.
- I tenderly got back on and decided to make it to the top of the hour. The leg was tender, but I could work with it.
- At the 2:00 mark, I hit my minimum distance - 60km - and decided to keep going. More kms will help the rest of the week, and I truly should try to work ahead.
- I changed bibs and gloves and restarted The Grind. Changing out the sweaty bibs was the BEST THING EVER. Paused again at 2:30, 2:50, and then rode the last 10km.
- Nutrition: 2 bottles of HEED, 1 bottle of PERPETUEM (4 scoops), some bottled water, 2 Hammer Gels, and a Clif bar at the 1:00 mark. The Perpetuem made me burpy all day, which is new, and drinking that much made me feel very sloshy. I had plenty of energy and no concern of bonking, but my stomach was sour with "sweetness overload." Perpetuem has served me well for a good long time, but was disappointed with the burps and bloat today. I have some packs of peanuts on the bike stand and will grab them tomorrow.
- Good: Three good things -
- 1. I am old, large, and slow, so my stats are nothing to brag about. However, this metric century was 30 minutes and ~20 watts average better than October. What a difference 3 months (and Zwift Academy Road) make.
- 2. I earned the 100 ride-ons badge. I finished at 160 ride-ons.
- 3. I wanted a minimum of 60km but really /needed/ 100km to feel like I was still in the game and obtained that. I need to average 58km a day to wrap this up.
- Bad: Riding alone was very much The Grind. I really wanted to go ride with the Diesel pace partner but knew I'd blow my legs up with some of the punchy adjustments that are required.
- Ugly: Once again I fought my HRM all day and didn't capture data.
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