2024 Back to Fitness


In years past, I looked at this plan and moved on to something more challenging. Yet, here I am.

There's no way around it, I am old, fat, and slow.  I've known this for awhile but now I have data.

Baseline stats, June 2024:  Weight 250, FTP 153. Longer version follows.


This is the baseline, ground zero post to log some stats for later.  It's also about accountability and maybe some bitching and moaning.  I'll confess that I had forgotten that I had this little blog tucked away, so let's knock the cobwebs off after ~30 months.

I'll do this through bullet points.  Bullet points are cool.


  • I've mostly been off the bike the past 14 months.
    • Some of this is the stress of the new job and focusing on getting enough sleep as the first priority.
    • Some of this was all the travel that my job had me on (almost 50% on the road at some points this year).
    • Some of this was just plain burnout on the Zwift platform.
    • Some of this was moving from a wide open space in my DC apartment to the tiny (and HOT) little room that I bike in now.
  • But, I've seen down the road I'm on.  With my parents and relatives struggling with the effects of obesity, I don't like the script of this particular movie.  That's not my story.  It's time to make a change.
    • I weighed in this morning at 251.4 and I've seen 253 and change on the scale recently.  In my weight loss journey, I topped out at 285 in the late 00's and was about 250 in 2010. So I've stepped back in time about 14 years.  Not awesome.
    • I've put on ~25 pounds in the past year. That's a sobering number and lots I could type about it, but it's true.
    • Numbers aside, clothes that I own are now running tight, and ultimately my choice is spending several hundred dollars on suits for work, or some lesser amount on changes.
  • This morning I did a Zwift FTP ramp test (read: calibration test) and scored a dismal 153 watts. 
    •  I dread this test but it's necessary so that all the workouts that follow are tailored to me/my ability.  
    • I went easy. Some might call it sandbgging.  But I know that the ramp test has overstated results for me before.  Also, this isn't about max effort. I'm not 23, training for the Olympics.  I just needed a better frame of reference than the guess I put in earlier.
    • Strava shows my FTP history as follows - also some sobering numbers.



  • I'd really like to be under 225 again.  This is the breakpoint where some of my older suits will fit well on me without my daily ware suits being too big.
  • I'd like to kick over some long-coveted Zwift goals.  Getting back to that 211 FTP or better would be awesome.  Being able to participate in Zwift events (Fondos, Zwift Academy, etc.) and not being last-place-granny would be nice. Gaining levels, unlocking game stuff, being able to hang with the big dogs on pace partner rides. That all sounds pretty good.

  • I'll start the Zwift Back to Fitness plan tomorrow. It requires 2 rides a week and I'll have to zag around my travel schedule.  It's a 12 week plan, and will end in early September.  
  • I needed the structure of a plan; it's too easy for me to waive off a single ride, but the accountability of a plan helps shift my mindset.
  • I need to pair this with a better regimen in the kitchen.  My diet has been all over the place lately, and I need to be realistic about that as well.
Anyway, that's the initial update.  Cya in a week.
